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Save game Naruto Ultimate Ninja Strom 3 Full Burts PC

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Sebelumnya ada yang minta save data naruto ninja storm 3  nah
Hari ini ane mau Share SAVE DATA naruto ninja storm 3
save data :
*All story missions complete
*All story secondary bonuses complete

*All Characters unlocked
*All challenge mode stages complete with secondary bonuses and hidden wallpapers unlocked
*Ninja timeline complete with all bonus objectives done
*All request missions complete
*All special missions complete
*All friendship events completed
*All Legendary and Hero items unlocked
*All Titles, Ninja Info Cards, Audio, Ultimate Jutsu and Subtitution Items unlocked and bought
*Uang 999999999
hehehe mau Save datanya Naruto ninja storm 3
Cara instalnya cukup taruh ke sini ( filenya di hidden jadi harus di unhiiden dulu caranya ada di google kok)
:C:\Users\NAMA PC KALIAN\AppData\Local\EMU\Steam\234670\remote
download DISINI
Note:Jika sudah instal steam taruh ke folder save seperti di gambar di bawah ini

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